Bounding through the yard, 

With thunderous little feet, 

Little Hugo combs the tall thick grass, 

Looking for something good to eat! 


“Oh no! Look out! Here he comes again!” 

Shout the little garden gnomes! 

“Slurp, gerp, lick, houch, thurp!” 

Says the little pug’s tongue as it forages and roams! 


Nose to the ground, snakily sniffing, 

Gobbling up dainty flowers and stringy weeds, 

Sometimes his nostrils capture ladybugs, 

Which always makes Hugo sneeze! 


“Time for dinner!” Mother finally calls, 

And Hugo leaps hungrily toward his doggy door, 

And the gnomes, the flowers, and the lady bugs, 

Can rest,  feeling safe again, once more…


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